In order to create a great nail art designs blue tips, you need to prepare your nails first. Make sure that there’s no cuticles left or any nail polisher on your nails. If you find some, then we suggest you to clean it up using the nail polish remover or nail file. Before you continue with the blue tips designs, you might want to decide about the type of colors that you want to use on the nail’s bed. We suggest you to pick match colors like light blue. Once you’re done, you need to create two base layers. This will make a great preparation step for the nail art designs blue tips.
Next step in the nail art designs blue tips is the creation of tips. Off course you need to use the blue colors. But considering the fact that there are many types of blue, we suggest you to pick the one that currently match with your current occasion. You need to determine if you want to wear the nail art designs blue tips for everyday looks or not. If you want to use for single day event, then you are allowed to wear glamor colors and add it with rhinestones or jewelery. This will allow you to make the best nail art designs blue tips.